12 Jan

We are happy to introduce you to PowerUp Purchasing Cooperative, a member-owned enterprise that enables nonprofits to pool their purchasing power to shrink their bills and expand their missions!

Join us and our partners, Greater Cleveland Congregation and Community Purchasing Alliance, Wednesday, January 19th at noon for a one-hour conversation to launch PowerUp’s new website, celebrate our group purchasing wins from 2021, and plan for 2022. You can register at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItdOGrpzIiEtYXTOog5d0tVM7Imf7eMgcJ

Learn more at PowerUp’s shiny new website (!), www.powerup.coop.

As a member-owned cooperative, PowerUp is an example of economic democracy in action. It also enables institutions to spend in line with their values, by directing spend to Black- and Brown-owned vendors. And it saves members money and time: This summer, PowerUp convened 28 nonprofits to purchase electric supply contracts at rates 20%+ lower than that market. Members in our waste hauling program are seeing savings of 30 - 50%.

We’re excited to keep building PowerUp together. Hope to see you on the 19th.

^^Scene from PowerUp's group purchase of electricity in July 2021

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